Environmental Health

Blackall-Tambo Regional Council is dedicated to keeping Environmental Issues at their very least.

Pest Management

Blackall-Tambo Regional Council has in place good measures to control and try and eradicate Declared Noxious weed and animal pest species.

For the control of Wild Dogs, Dingoes and Feral Pigs to minimize their impact on Livestock Losses and soil erosion (due to Feral Pigs activities on and around River, and water courses), the council has in place a Baiting Program where it uses 1080 (sodium monofluoroacetate) mixed with meat in an effort to slow their ever increasing numbers in the wild. In conjunction with this they also rely on professional Macro pod Harvesters and trapping in an attempt to reduce numbers. Council offers a bounty of $30.00 Dollars for each Dog Scalp, with some property owners matching the amount.

For the control of Declared Noxious Weeds Council employs a team of Professionals to control their spread using various spraying techniques and chemicals.

 Asbestos and Home Renovations

Are you thinking for renovating your home?

Home renovations and tradespeople have the leagal responsibility to make sure the protect their own and other's health by not releasing asbestos fibres during their work. Before you distrub and building materials you must check whether it is likley to contain asbestos (or assume it does). To remove any doubt, get a sample tested for asbestos. Laboratories that analyse building materials for asbestos can be found by contacting the National Assosciation of Testing Authorities. The laboratory or an asbestos consultant can give you advice on how to correctly take and send a sample. There will be fees involved. Residents are stronely encouraged to always take precautionary measures when uncertain if any materials contain asbestos. As a general rule, if the building was built

  • Before the mid 1980's it is highly likely that it would have some materials containing asbestos
  • Between mid 1980 and 1990 it is likely that it would have some materials containing asbestos 
  • After 1990 it is highly unlikey it would have materials contaning asbestos. 

Should you wish to confirm the identification of asbestos in household material please contact a qualified asbestos testing specialist in the Yellow Pages or other local directories.

What are the Rules

It is a legislative requirement under Queensland Public Health legislation and Environmental Protection legislation for asbestos to e handled and disposed of in a safe and appropriate manner, and there are significant fines which can be imposed if any of these Laws are breached.

NOTE: Queensland Workplace Health & Safety regulates teh management, control and removal of asbestos in the workplace (including residential premises which are a workplace when work is undertaken by a contractor)


Animal Control

The Council employs a team of professionals to keep the animals in and around the Townships under control with legislation in place to assist with their jobs. All dogs over three (3) months of age are to be registered, and permits are required to keep livestock in the Township with various animals being on the prohibited list such as Peacocks, Geese and Pigs (Swine).

Waste Services

Blackall-Tambo Regional Council collects Residential Waste on a weekly basis in both Townships and deposits it at the towns rubbish dumps, a contractor is then called when the dumps are full to collect the excess waste, and larger recyclable items such as scrap steel and batteries.

Camp Sites, Public Toilets, Public Rubbish Bins

The Council's works staff handles the maintenance of these areas with regular mowing and trimming of lawns and trees. Council's Rubbish Services empty public bins. Council employs cleaners to do Public Amenities, which are kept at a high level of cleanliness and hygiene.

Cemetery Management

Council handles all aspects of Cemetery Operations. Council's Gardening Employees regularly mow the Lawn Cemetery and prune trees and shrubs to keep the cemetery presentable.

Environmental Health Officer
Phone: 07 4621 6600
Email: wesley.phillips@btrc.qld.gov.au