Economic Development
Blackall-Tambo Regional Economic Profile
A range of investment opportunties exist across the Blackall-Tambo Region.
Covering an area of 30,502 sq kms, and is some of the richest pastoral lands in the state. Primary production and its associated industries of transport, rural contracting, and macropod harvesting are major employers, as are local goverment, health, education and retail industries. The recommissioned cypress pine industry will provide a substantial positive impact on the local Tambo economy and community when it reopens in 2021.

Blackall Tambo was formerly a major centre in Australia's rich wool industry. Sheep numbers in western Queensland have declined consistently over the past 10 years, following the collapse of the wool reserve price scheme and the growing impact of wild dogs on the sheep flock.
The reduction in local wool supply has impacted the economies of wool supplying regions such as Blackall, and the region has experienced ongoing population decline and sustained economic contraction. Council engaged ARC Group Pty Ltd (AEC) to conduct a pre-feasibility analysis of the development of a wool handling and receival facility in the region. The resultant report assesses the viability of early stage processing in the Blackall-Tambo region to drive additional local employment opportunities and support the revival of the wool industry.
Building Better Regions
The Queensland State Government's Building our Regions program supports local government infrastructure projects in regional communities that create flow-on economic development opportunties and jobs. The programs focuses on delivering more enduring economic outcomes for regional communities, targeting funding towards job-creating infrastructure that will improve ecomomic conditions and liveability. Blackall-Tambo Regional Council has successfully secured BOR funding for a range of projects that have stimulated the local economy. The Department has prepared a case study on two of our region's projects.
- Blackall's Pathway to Health was funded under the round 2 - supplementary program and delivered a 2 kilometre asphalt pathway from the campgrounds on the Barcoo River to the Blackall Hospital. The pathway includes eight exercise stations, shade structures, seating and solar bollard lighting, and connects to the town's existing network of pathways.
- The upgrade to the Tambo Sawmill was funded under the first round of the BOR program and assisted Council to re-commission the Tambo Sawmill by overhauling the machinery and equipment which enabled commerical operations to commence. Re-opening the Sawmill has significantly stimulated the local ecomomy of Tambo, the Sawmill has created fifteen new jobs. Families have relocated to Tambo and the flow on effects are felt throughout the town with the local business houses all benefitting through increased expenditure, the rental market booming and nineteen new students at the school.